This study was performed on a total of 22 dogs of various breeds and ages (from 10 months to 8 years of age, mean age 3.3 years) with the aim of treating animals diagnosed as having pseudopregnancy, and in cases with whom cessation of lactation was necessary because of the death of their young, their separation from the mother, milk eclampsia or mastitis. For treatment, cabergoline at a dose of 5pg;kg d orally was applied and this was continued over 4 days. During the pretreatment period, a check of the general health state and ultrasonographic examination were made. Changes occurring in the post-treatment period and side effects were recorded. In determining the efficacy of the treatment, the appearance of mammary glands, changes occurring in the nature of secretion and lessening in the amount of secretion as well as behavioural changes were regarded as criteria. Appearance of mammary glands and changes occurring in the nature of secretion have been expressed with various scaling systems and all findings related to each dog were recorded in the anamnesis form. The score for mammary gland appearance changed to '0' in all dogs (n = 22): in 40.9% (n = 9) on the third day. in 54.6% (n = 12) on the fourth day and in 4.5% (n = 1) on the sixth day, respcctively. The score for the nature of secretion changed to 'normal' in all dogs (n = 22); in 4.5'y0 (n = 1) on the second day, 50% (11 = I 1) on the third day, 41 .O% (11 = 9) on the fourth day and 4.5% (n = I ) on the fifth day, respectively. In dogs rcceiving cabergoline normal behaviour returned in all dogs (n = 22); in 22.7% (n = 5) on the first day, 31.8% (n = 7) on the second day and 45.5% (n = 10) on the third day, respectively. In all dogs receiving cabergoline, body temperature was measured for 4 days following treatment, yielding mean temperatures of 39.4 f 0.4-C on the first day, 39.2 k 0.3-C on the second day, 38.9 k 0.3'C on the third day and 38.8 0.3"C on the fourth day. respectively. As a result of this study, it has been concluded that for the prevention of the symptoms of pseudoprcgnancy and that of an undesirable lactation in dogs. cabergoline in cfficient in treating these conditions. N o side-effects were seen with the exception of one case where vomiting was observed. 39,4 0,4 C am 1 . Tag, 3Y,2 k 0 , 3 T am 2. Tag. 38;') 0,3-C: am 3. Tag und 38,8 k 0,3 C am 4. Tag. Als Ergebnis dieser Studie kann geschluIjfolgert werden, da8 Cabergolin zur Vorbeugung gegen Symptome einer Pseudograviditat und gegen ungewollte Laktation eingesetzt werden kann. Es wurden mit einer Ausnahme. wo Erbrechen auftrat, keine Nebenwirkungen gesehen.