In condensed matter physics, there is a novel phase termed "quantum spin liquid", in which strong quantum fluctuations prevent the long-range magnetic order from being established, and so the electron spins do not form an ordered pattern but remain "liquid" like even at absolute zero temperature. Such a phase is not involved with any spontaneous symmetry breaking and local order parameter, and to understand it is beyond the conventional phase transition theory. Due to the rich physics and exotic properties of quantum spin liquids, such as the long-range entanglement and fractional quantum excitations, which are believed to hold great potentials in quantum communication and computation, they have been intensively studied since the concept was proposed in 1973 by P. W. Anderson. Currently, experimental identifications of a quantum spin liquid still remain as a great challenge. Here, we highlight some interesting experimental progress that has been made recently. We also discuss some outstanding issues and raise questions that we consider to be important for future research.
I. THE ROAD TO QUANTUM SPIN LIQUIDSarXiv:1904.04435v1 [cond-mat.str-el]