1 2 ) and (n − 1, ℓ + 2, j = ℓ + 3 2 ), where n, ℓ and j are the single-nucleon radial, orbital and total angular momentum quantum numbers for a single particle, respectively (Arima et al., 1969;Hecht & Adler, 1969;Ginocchio, 2004 ). The total angular momentum is given as j = ℓ + s, where ℓ = ℓ + 1 is a pseudo-angular momentum and s = 1 2 is a pseudo-spin angular momentum. Meng et al., (1998) deduced that in real nuclei, the PSS is only an approximation and the quality of approximation depends on the pseudo-centrifugal potential and pseudo-spin orbital potential. The orbital and pseudo-orbital angular momentum quantum numbers for SS ℓ and PSS ℓ refer to the upper-and lower-spinor components (for instance, F n,κ (r) and G n,κ (r), respectively. Ginocchio (1997); (1999); (2004); (2005a); (2005b) and Meng et al., (1998) showed that SS occurs when the difference between the vector potential V(r) and scalar potential S(r) in the Dirac Hamiltonian is a constant (that is, ∆(r)=V(r) − S(r)) and PSS occurs when the sum of two potential is a constant (that is, Σ(r)=V(r)+S(r)). A large number of investigations have been carried out on the SS and PSS by solving the Dirac equation with various methods (Alberto et al