Consider an infinite homogeneous tree Tn of valence n + 1, its group Aut(Tn) of automorphisms, and the group Hier(Tn) of its spheromorphisms (hierarchomorphisms), i. e., the group of homeomorphisms of the boundary of Tn that locally coincide with transformations defined by automorphisms. We show that the subgroup Aut(Tn) is spherical in Hier(Tn), i. e., any irreducible unitary representation of Hier(Tn) contains at most one Aut(Tn)-fixed vector. We present a combinatorial description of the space of double cosets of Hier(Tn) with respect to Aut(Tn) and construct a 'new' family of spherical representations of Hier(Tn). We also show that the Thompson group Th has PSL(2, Z)-spherical unitary representations.