The clinical signs, treatments used and spread of psoroptic mange in cattle from October 2007 until March 2011 are described. The disease was first diagnosed in South West Wales, having not been reported in Great Britain since the 1980s. The likely source was identified as a farm that had imported two animals from mainland Europe in the summer of 2006. Since that time, disease has been diagnosed on a further 22 premises, the majority in South West Wales but also in South East and Mid Wales and on one farm in England. Bought in animals harbouring the Psoroptes species mite but not showing clinical signs were considered the greatest risk of introducing the infestation into a herd. This, together with the difficulties of treatment to eliminate the parasite, means that it is unlikely that this outbreak has been controlled. There is also a continuing threat of importing the disease from abroad. The disease is not notifiable in the UK.