The introduction, “Warm-Up,” details important background information about Zumba Fitness. It includes the story of Zumba Fitness’s origins in the early 2000s by Alberto “Beto” Pùrez, Alberto Perlman, and Alberto Aghion. It also describes the relationship between fitness and notions of citizenship in the US. The introduction considers this history in relation to the longstanding stereotypes of Latinxs as foreign, exotic others. The introduction offers an overview of the different sources, including videos, magazine articles, advertisements, video games, and ethnographic data, used in the book. It ends with an overview of the book’s general argument that Zumba Fitness sells stereotypes of tropicalized Latinness but hides their insidious effects by simultaneously promoting racial tolerance and the meritocratic American dream. In so doing, Zumba Fitness provides a useful lens for examining concepts of race and citizenship and understanding Latinx belonging in the United States.