“…PDAP is frequently comorbid with TMD (Baad-Hansen, Leijon, Svensson, & List, 2008) and chronic tension-type headaches (TTH) (Baad-Hansen et al, 2008). Moreover, depression, somatization, other psychiatric conditions, and sleep disturbances have been reported in individuals with PDAP (Baad-Hansen et al, 2008;Ciaramella, Paroli, Lonia, Bosco, & Poli, 2013;Miura et al, 2018), who also present more jaw-related disability, worse psychosocial functioning, and lower quality of life when compared to controls (Durham, Exley, John, & Nixdorf, F I G U R E 1 Persistent dentoalveolar pain disorder characteristics in relation to those commonly reported with chronic overlapping pain conditions (adapted from Warren, 2014). Blue circles indicate met characteristics, while red circles represent unmet characteristics [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com] 2013; Durham & Nixdorf, 2014;List et al, 2007;Shueb, Nixdorf, John, Alonso, & Durham, 2015).…”