The literature concerning the impact of (a) the schizophrenic illness and (b) the neuroleptic drugs (which are the most commonly employed medications for this disorder) on male sexual behavior is critically reviewed in the light of what is currently known about the interaction of both the schizophrenic illness and the neuroleptic drugs with hormones and neurotransmitters known to play a role in male sexual behavior. The effect of the schizophrenic illness on male sexual behavior is unclear, but there are some indications that chronic, severe schizophrenia may exert detrimental effects on many aspects of male sexual behavior. As for neuroleptic drugs, a wealth of evidence suggests that they have many detrimental effects on male sexual behavior. Nevertheless, since the introduction of these drugs, the reproductive rates of male schizophrenics have increased. The multiplicity of factors involved in the sexual behavior of the schizophrenic patient is emphasized. It is concluded that the sexual behavior of the male schizophrenic provides an important forum for studying the interaction between psychological, sociological and biochemical-pharmacological factors which determine sexual behavior.