This article outlines the contributions of multicultural counseling to 3 areas of counselor competence with lesbian, gay male, and bisexual male and female (LGB) clients: conceptualization of competence, counselor education, and assessment of counselor competence. The authors describe the foundations of multicultural counseling and extend the concepts to counselor competence with LGB clients.Este articulo resume las contribuciones de la consejeria multicultural a tres campos de habilidad consejera con clientes homosexuales y hombres y mujeres bisexuales: la conceptualizacion de la competencia, educacion del consejero, y evaluacion de competencia para consejeria. Los autores describen 10s fundamentos de la consejeria multicultural y extienden estos conceptos a la competencia consejera con clientes homosexuales, lesbianas, y bisexuales. M ulticultural counseling and lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) counseling have developed fairly independently from each other and are, at times, pitted against each other in a battle for inclusion in counselor education curricula. Rather than ignore or antagonize each other, multicultural and LGB counseling can learn from each other, strengthening each field and building a more comprehensive vision of counselor competence with diverse clients. In particular, the foundation of multicultural counseling can be extended to provide a framework for counselor competence with LGB clients.