This study develops a model for students and graduates of Soft Skills, Hard Skills, and Competitiveness (SHC) and seeks user validation after the development process. The development process uses the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) model. A quantitative survey using questionnaires and descriptive quantitative analysis was applied in obtaining user validation as the study objective. The development results validated the students' SHC Development model, which has 3 main phases, including Input, Process and Output. The Input phase comprises course content, SHC component, and strategy of students’ center approach. The Process phase consists of blended course design, instruction and students' engagement, and evaluation. The Output phase comprises soft and hard skills achievement, as well as students’ competitiveness level. Users perceived the model’s phases and components as wholly acceptable, appropriate, and applicable for implementation through curriculum, teaching, and learning at the university. This study contributes to graduate preparation for employability skills in the challenging and complex working environment in revolution industry 4.0.