Global life satisfaction (GLS), a core construct of subjective well-being, plays a vital role in positive development among young adults. Persistent inequality in subjective well-being across minority versus majority groups is a growing public health concern. However, research evidence on the minority-majority disparity in GLS among representative samples of young adults is scarce. Based on national data from Israel (N = 2,405), this study examines (a) the association of multiple forms of economic (not in education, employment, or training status, subjective socioeconomic status indicators), social-relational (trust, discrimination, loneliness), and environmental determinants (neighborhood conditions) with GLS among young adults from a minority-majority (Israeli Arabs-Israeli Jews) perspective; (b) whether minority-majority disparity in GLS can be explained by differential health returns for the determinants considered across participants from the two groups; (c) whether minority-majority disparities in GLS persist when controlling for these determinants, suggesting the effect of ethnicity per se. Significant disparities in GLS by ethnicity were found, with young Arab adults far less likely to be satisfied or very satisfied with their lives. Hierarchical logistic regression indicated that economic, social-relational, and environmental determinants shape GLS, but these factors do not eliminate the adverse effect of minority status on GLS. While social-relational and environmental factors uniformly affect GLS across minority and majority participants, economic factors were less influential among the Arab minority, suggesting lower health returns for economic resources among young Arab adults. Implications for policies aimed at promoting health equity and social justice are discussed.
Public Policy Relevance StatementYoung adults' global life satisfaction (GLS) is shaped by their multifaceted positions within demographic, economic, social, and environmental stratification systems, with those at the bottom of the ladder across the various domains demonstrating poor GLS. While social determinants from these domains, including discrimination, drive inequality in GLS, they do not eliminate the adverse effect of ethnicity on young adults' GLS, suggesting that ethnicity per se affects GLS. Disparities in GLS can be narrowed only by addressing multiple forms of disadvantage. Combined policy measures should be taken to reduce financial deprivation and decrease the prevalence of young people detached from education and employment. Expanding access to postsecondary education and vocational training, particularly among ethnic minorities, should be viewed as a central path to promoting young adults' subjective and material well-being. Inequality in GLS can be further reduced by combating discrimination, loneliness, and low levels of social trust. Investment in environmental living conditions-neighborhood physical attributes and safety-is needed to promote equity in GLS and environmental justice. Inequality in subjective well-be...