framework and providing a holistic viewpoint [1]. While developing the systems model, Neuman used Gestalt, systems and stress adaptation theories. The Neuman Systems Model has a dynamic structure that provides a systems-based holistic viewpoint and is based on the protection of environmental factors in relation to the system, which is oriented to the state of wellness, and the system balance with regard to these factors [2]. The Neuman Systems Model shows a comprehensive conceptual structure related to stressors, reactions given against stressors and protective interventions. In the model, the system approach is taken as basis and it is explained how the system remains in balance against the stressors. In the Neuman systems model, the patient is considered a system and it is clarified that the system has its lower segments and these segments are interrelated. According to Neuman, a human being is an ever-changing open system that is in mutual interaction with the environment. The Neuman client system may be an individual, a family, a group or a community. The client system is addressed in a holistic manner in the model and is considered as the combination of five variables that affect each other, namely the physical, psychological, socio-cultural, developmental, and spiritual variables [2,3].Neuman describes a human being as a basic structure surrounded by successive rings as a system. The successive rings in the model constitute the lines of defense. The lines of defense are defined as flexible lines of defense, normal lines of defense, and the lines of
AbstractNursing knowledge is shaped by nursing conceptual models and nursing theories. Nursing theories and models explain the basic metaparadigm concepts related to nursing discipline and the correlation between these concepts, and focus on the role of nursing. Models bring a point of view on nursing and direct nursing practices. Conceptual models in nursing bring a common meaning to the basic concepts of nursing. It is important to use the nursing model as guideline in the practices. In this study, the philosophical and theoretical basis of the Neuman Systems Model, the model's description, and its use on caregivers of patients with schizophrenia took place. The Neuman Systems model provides the nurse with a conceptual framework and contributes to provide a holistic care while working with caregivers of patients with schizophrenia. The Neuman Systems model provides the nurse with a comprehensive assessment in terms of caregiving and explains how the primary, secondary and tertiary prevention interventions can be used in problem-solving. Using the Neuman Systems Model to help understand the environmental forces that impact the client system will offer nurses insight into the family's coping ability. At this point, the Neuman Systems Model provides nurses with a comprehensive viewpoint regarding how schizophrenia affects caregivers, and helps nurses plan and implement interventions to empower coping of the caregivers of schizophrenic patients.