“…The Italian PAQ-SF (Rohner and Khaleque, 2012 ; Rohner and Ali, 2016 ; Rohner et al, 2019 ; Senese et al, 2020a ) was administered to each participant to assess the general psychological adjustment (Rohner, 2004 , 2019 ; Rohner and Lansford, 2017 ). The Adult PAQ-SF is a 42-item self-report questionnaire measuring perceptions of individuals about themselves with respect to seven dimensions: (1) hostility/aggression (6 items), that measures physical, verbal, and passive aggression and problems with the management of hostility and aggression; (2) dependence or defensive independence (6 items), that measures the psychological need for emotional support, care, comfort, attention, and nurturance and similar responses from significant others; (3) negative self-esteem (6 items), that measures the negative feelings of disliking or disapproving of oneself or perceiving oneself to be a worthless person or worthy of condemnation; (4) negative self-adequacy (6 items), that measures the negative feelings of incompetence, or perceived inability to meet day-to-day demands successfully; (5) emotional unresponsiveness (6 items), that measures the inability to express emotions freely and openly to others; (6) emotional instability (6 items), that measures the inability to control frequent and often unpredictable mood shifts that may swing from pole to pole; and (7) negative worldview (6 items), that measures the feeling that life is essentially bad, insecure, threatening, unpleasant, hostile, uncertain, and/or full of many dangers.…”