The epistemological nature of science and industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology is considered against the backdrop of scientific divergence and fragmentation, and the consequent need for theory development and knowledge integration. Two basic epistemologies, related to traditions of thought in western science, are identified, namely, the analytic and synthetic modes of knowledge. With the aid of a number of sensitizing concepts such as scope of knowledge, process of knowledge development and time-perspective of knowledge, the epistemological characteristics and preferences encountered in I/O psychology are discussed in some detail. The major conclusion is that the discipline is clearly operating within the classic (analytic or positivist) mode of scientific endeavour. The most important implication for future knowledge development is co-equivalence of both analytic (differentiative) and synthetic (integrative) modes of knowledge and related methods, which should be regarded in a dialectical manner. This is postulated as necessary in order to escape the threat of becoming a technological fragment of a science, tied to a onesided epistemology.Teen die agtergrond van 'n toenemend divergerende tendens in die wetenskap en die gepaardgaande behoefte aan teorie-ontwikkeling en kennis-integrasie, word aandag geskenk aan die epistemologiese aard van bedryfs/organisasie-sielkunde. Twee denktradisies word ge'identifiseer, naamlik, die analitiese en sintetiese benaderinge. Met behulp van 'n aantal sensiterende dimensies soos lokus van kennis, omvang (skopus) van kennis, proses van kennisontwikkeling en tydsperspektief van kennis, word die epistemologiese eienskappe en voorkeure van bedryfs/organisasie-sielkunde in besonderhede bespreek. Die hoofslotsom is dat die dissipline duidelik steeds beoefen word binne die analitiese (positivistiese) benadering tot kennis en waarheid. Die belangrikste implikasie hiervan vir toekomstige kennisontwikkeling is 'n gelykwaardigheid van beide die analitiese (differensierende) en sintetiese (integrerende) benaderinge tot kennis van die werksmens, wat op dialektiese wyse beskou moet word. Voorgenoemde word gepostuleer as van kardinale belang om die gevaar van 'n tegnologie-behepte en gefragmenteerde wetenskap wat verbind is aan 'n eensydige epistemologie, te vermy.
101Of late it seems to have become fashionable critically to reflect upon the status quo, and especially the theoretical adequacy, of psychology as scientific undertaking (see for example, Retief, 1985). Whilst a rejection of what scientific psychology consists of is regarded as unnecessary and unwarranted, a sober consideration of research and professional trends in the discipline at large leads to the general conclusion that all is not well. Despite the overall growth in empirically based knowledge of human behaviour, psychology as well as its applied offshoot, industrial/organizational psychology (hereafter referred to as I/O psychology), are increasingly becoming mosaics of fragmented and loosely connected research enterpri...