“…As there were no other instruments measuring all three dimensions of well‐being, Keyes () developed the Mental Health Continuum‐Short Form (MHC‐SF) as a short instrument to measure the three facets of emotional well‐being and the 11 facets of psychological and social well‐being. Its three‐factor structure, reliability, and construct validity have been established in nonclinical samples across various countries and cultures, including the United States (Robitscheck & Keyes, ), South Africa (Keyes et al., ), the Netherlands (Lamers, Westerhof, Bohlmeijer, Ten Klooster, & Keyes, ), France (Salama‐Younes & Ismaïl, ), Korea (Lim, ), Poland (Karaś, Cieciuch, & Keyes, ), Italy (Petrillo, Capone, Caso, & Keyes, ), Portugal (De Carvalho, Pereira, & Pinto, ), Iran (Joshanloo, ), and Argentina (Perugini, De la Iglesia, Solano, & Keyes, ). Recently, in Australian (Hides et al., ) and South African samples (de Bruin & Du Plessis, ), the presence of a general factor of well‐being was suggested by mentioning evidence for a bifactor model.…”