Ethical climate is one of the important factors in the working climate of the hospital. Considering the difference in the Ethical climate in different departments of the hospital and the importance of the ethical climate in the delivery ward, this study aimed to assess the characteristics of hospital ethical climate in delivery ward of educational hospitals in southeast Iran. This descriptive and multi-center study was conducted from 2020 to 2021 in educational hospitals in southeast Iran. Two hundred forty midwives working in delivery wards, midwifery instructors, and midwifery students were included in the study by census method. Data collection tools included a demographic information form, Olson's Hospital Ethical Climate Survey, completed using the self-report method. The mean ethical climate in the midwifery group (3.82 ± 0.63 out of 5) was higher than in the instructors’ and students’ groups. The lowest mean score obtained from the ethical climate questionnaire of participants was associated with the inability to use their experiences in the delivery ward. The lowest mean of ethical climate from the midwives’ point of view is the Physicians’ dimension and the patient's dimension from the instructors’ point of view. The highest mean score belonged to the ethical climate of the supervisors. According to the results of the present study, it is suggested to implement protective laws to support the higher independence of midwives to improve the ethical climates by using their experiences in the delivery department.