Introduction and Objective. Individuals who are not professional and competitive athletes but who engage in regular (even daily) physical activity may experience a different body image in the context of physical activity compared with that in everyday life. The Contextual Body Image Questionnaire for Athletes (CBIQA) has been developed to assess aspects of body image within these two dimensions, but has not yet been validated in the Polish population. This study aimed to conduct a cross-cultural adaptation of the CBIQA for physically active Polish adults. Materials and method. The study sample comprised 90 young Polish adults (49 women and 41 men). All respondents regularly participated in recreational sports. The average age of the sample was 21.4 years. All participants engaged in physical activity at least 3 times per week. The average training experience was 8.6 years. A 3-phase study was conducted: 1) translation of the CBIQA for use in a Polish sample, 2) pretesting and cognitive debriefing, and 3) evaluation of the testretest reliability. The test-retest interval was 7 days. Interclass correlation coefficients were calculated. Results. The 1-week test-retest results (ICC) ranged from 0.83-0.94 in the daily life subscales and from 0.86-0.95 in the athletic subscales among all participants. The reliability of the CBIQA was high. The alpha value for the internal consistency of the translated and adapted instrument was 0.91. After the translation and cognitive interview, 3 sentences were reworded to adapt the instrument to Polish culture. Conclusions. The CBIQA exhibited a high tes-retest reliability and good validity for assessing daily and physical activityrelated body image in a Polish population.