“…The prevalence of psychopathy or probable psychopathy (psychopathic traits) in batterer men incarcerated for a serious offence against their partner in our study is about 12%, somewhat lower than in general prison populations (about 15%-25%) as indicated by other studies (Hare, 2001). But prison inmates who meet the criteria for psychopathy or who have a significant number of psychopathic traits have been found to be at much higher risk for recidivism and violence than are other prisoners (Grann & Wedin, 2002;Harris, Rice & Quinsey, 1993;Stadtland, Kleindienst, Kröner, Eidt, & Nedopil, 2005;Walters, 2003). Thus, the risk for violence against women is increased by a diagnosis of psychopathy in the batterers, as also has been found in other studies (Danielson, Moffit, Caspi, & Silva, 1998).…”