The HIV-AIDS epidemic is perhaps one of the greatest challenges to countries of the world today.Since it was first diagnosed in 1981, it has become a significant threat to everybody throughout theworld irrespective of gender and sexual orientation. The widespread of the disease especially in theAfrican continent has become a major source of concern to government and non-governmentalagencies and others concerned with curtailing the pandemic disease. In fact in hard hit areas of Africa,infection rate has been higher in teenage groups than that of adult (Hopkins, 2000). In 2008 alone, anestimated 3 million people in the region became newly infected (Avert, 2009). The situation in Nigeriais fast becoming an unprecedented crisis. The incidence of HIV-AIDS was first reported in 1985among commercial sex workers (prostitutes) in Lagos and Anambra states. Since then the epidemichas been on the increase. For instance, in September 1991, the Federal Ministry of Health reported aprevalence rate of 0.66% out of the total population. However by the end of December 1992, thenumber has increased to 552 cases nationwide (Salami, 2002).