Interactive Effects of Job Stress andBody Mass Index on Over-eating: Jiro TAKAKI, et al.
Department of Public Health, Okayama UniversityGraduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences-Objectives: Recent prospective evidence drawn from the Whitehall II cohort reported by Kivimäki et al. implies that stressful situations are related to decreased body weight in thin men and increased body weight in obese men, whereas no corresponding interactive effects are observed in women. The mechanism underlying this phenomenon remains unknown, and the purpose of this study was to confirm our hypothesis that the relevant mechanism is behavioral (e.g., over-eating). Methods: The subjects of this survey were 607 Japanese workers (response rate: 60.5%) in four organizations. The questionnaire solicited demographic information and included the Bulimia scale of the Eating Disorder Inventory-EZ to measure tendencies toward overeating as well as the Japanese version of the EffortReward Imbalance Questionnaire (ERIQ). Body mass index (BMI) was calculated on the basis of data obtained during medical check-ups. We tested for linear and interactive effects with hierarchical regression analyses. Results: BMI was significantly (p<0.05) associated with over-eating both univariately and after adjusting for age in both sexes. Significant (p<0.05) interactions showed that ERIQ effort scores and effort-reward ratios were more positively associated with over-eating in men with higher BMIs, and ERIQ reward and financial remuneration scores
Field Studywere more negatively associated with over-eating in men with higher BMIs. No corresponding interactive effects were observed among women.
Conclusions:The results demonstrate that stressful situations are more associated with over-eating in men with higher BMIs. This might explain, in part, the mechanism underpinning the interactive effects proposed by Kivimäki et al. (J Occup Health 2010; 52: 66-73) Key words: Body mass index, Hyperphagia, Obesity, Psychological stress When stressed, some people lose and other people gain weight 1) . Although some studies have found associations between stressful work environments and increased body mass index (BMI) [2][3][4][5][6][7] , others have reported no associations between these variables [8][9][10][11][12][13] . Moreover, a highly stressful work environment was associated with low BMIs in several samples 14,15) . A review and a cross-sectional study showed that the association between a stressful work environment and BMI were inconsistent and differed by sex 16,17) . Recent prospective evidence drawn from the Whitehall II cohort implies that stressful situations are related to decreased body weight in thin men (BMI<22 kg/m 2 ) and increased body weight in obese men (BMI>27 kg/m 2 ), whereas no corresponding interactive effects are observed in women 18) . These interactive effects might explain, in part, the aforementioned inconsistent findings, but the mechanism by which these effects operate remains unknown. We hypothesized...