“…Analogous with the intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors for any sports injury; individual and environmental factors interact in a complex manner thus generating multifaceted issues which can be addressed easily from a biopsychosocial perspective [3]. Biological issues are often addressed under the biomedical domain (neuromusculoskeletal injuries, sudden cardiac death, hypertension, concussion, methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus infections, the female athlete triad, diabetes mellitus, and asthma) [4] whilst the psychological factors arise out of mental aspects of an individual that include but not limited to psychiatric [5], psychological (Fears about reinjury, fears related to surgery, and lack of patience with recovery/rehabilitation) [6] and neuropsychological issues [5], and social issues include administrative (program management-choosing program director, physician-coach inter-relationship) [7], ethical (autonomy, paternalism, truthfulness, professional loyalty) [8], medico-legal (potentially fatal medical conditions such as knee dislocation, cervical spine trauma, cardiac abnormalities, heat illness, and concussion [9], and physicians may be held legally liable for not doing a standardized pre-participation evaluation, for not administering adequate on-site or after injury care, or for violating an individual's civil rights by refusing to allow continued participation because of medical risk) [10], playing fieldrelated(artificial turf versus natural grass) [11], sports-related(martial arts) [12], and profession/work-related(dancers [13], musicians [14]) or recreation-related (addictive disorders such as gambling in athletes) [15].…”