The number of couples experiencing unwanted childlessness will in all likelihood continue to grow. Thus, ever more couples are undergoing IVF treatment; in Germany, this is, however, successful in only 13.9% of attempts. An unfulfilled wish for a child can have both negative emotional effects on individual partner and consequences for the couple's relationship. Women in particular suffer from the psychological stress that can be caused by infertility; they are more anxious, depressed, and have a decreased self-esteem than their partners. The desire to counteract these emotional strains and to enhance the quality of life is increasing and accordingly requests for counseling services are on the rise. As is the case in so many other psychosocial counseling services offered, there are shortcomings in the information available and a threshold of fear and dread of stigmatization by others persist. Studies have shown that various psychological treatments can often contribute to reducing stress but they do rarely increase the possibility of pregnancy.