A comparative study of entropy dynamics as an indicator of physical behavior in an open two-state system with balanced gain and loss is presented. To begin with, we illustrate the phase portrait of this non-Hermitian model on the Bloch sphere, elucidating the changes in behavior as one moves across the phase transition boundary, as well as the emergent feature of unidirectional state evolution in the spontaneously broken PT-symmetry regime. This is followed by an examination of the purity and entropy dynamics. Here we distinguish the perspective taken in utilizing the conventional framework of Hermitian-adjoint states from an approach that is based on biorthogonal-adjoint states and a third case based on an isospectral mapping. In this it is demonstrated that their differences are rooted in the treatment of the environmental coupling mode. For unbroken PT symmetry of the system, a notable characteristic feature of the perspective taken is the presence or absence of purity oscillations, with an associated entropy revival. The description of the system is then continued from its PT-symmetric pseudo-Hermitian phase into the regime of spontaneously broken symmetry, in the latter two approaches through a non-analytic operator-based continuation, yielding a Lindblad master equation based on the PT charge operator C. This phase transition indicates a general connection between the pseudo-Hermitian closed-system and the Lindbladian open-system formalism through a spontaneous breakdown of the underlying physical reflection symmetry.