Ligand field molecular mechanics (LFMM), density functional theory (DFT) and semi-empirical PM7 methods are used to study the binding of two Pt(II)-L systems to an N-terminal fragment of the amyloid-β peptide, where L = 2,2-bipyridyl or 1,10-phenanthroline. Molecular dynamics simulations are used to explore the conformational freedom of the peptide using LFMM combined with AMBER molecular mechanics parameters. We establish a modelling protocol, allowing for identification and analysis of favorable platinum-binding modes and peptide conformations.Preferred binding modes are identified for each ligand investigated; metal coordination occurs via Nε in His residues for both ligands -His6ε-His13ε and His6ε-His14ε for the bipyridyl and phenanthroline ligands, respectively. The observed change in binding mode for the different ligands suggests that the binding mode of these platinum-based structures can be controlled by the choice of ligand. In the bipy systems, Boltzmann population at 310K is dominated by a single conformer, while in the phenanthroline case, three conformations make significant contributions 2 to the ensemble. The relative stability of these conformations is due to the inherent stability of binding platinum via Nε in addition to subtle H-bonding effects.