From an epistemological perspective, the public education system is a specially developed concept to determine qualitative transformations, superior in the pedagogical reality delimited in a macro-structural context. It reflects a virtual pedagogical reality, important through its superior, formative, open, inexhaustible methodologically and praxeological potential. The main goal of the education system is to educate the further workforce, in this macro-context it is part of the global social system and should be in accordance to the transformation of the society. Education units are the base cells where the education, training programs are design, using the existing infrastructure and human resources, placing the educational process in time and space. In this research, we aim to analyze the mission, organizational and management structures of the public education service in Romania. Unpredictable, education plays an important role in any society that focuses on knowledge. Through it, the personality of the most important resource, the man, is modeled. That is why the education system has to build to provide knowledge and skills comparable with other European Union or worldwide education units.