“…Our model differs from these for they are focused on strategic link formation and our analysis considers players are located in a fixed network. Several authors have also modeled games with strategic complements or substitutes on networks, see for example Angeletos and Pavan (2007), Ballester et al(2006), Ballester and Calvó-Armengol (2010), Bergemann and Morris (2009), Calvó-Armengol et al (2009), Bénabou (2008, Bramoullé and Kranton (2007), Ilkilic (2008), Glaeser and Scheinkman (2003), Moraga-Gonzalez (2001), andVives (1999). Our work belongs in this set of literature and complements it with the analysis of incomplete information and the characterization of the Bayesian-Nash equilibria.…”