College of Law and Management Studies, UKZN
2023iii DEDICATION This thesis and PhD degree are dedicated to my parents. My father, Mbilla Alale, whose words of encouragement, push for tenacity and inspiration to strive for better education ring in my ears.Special gratitude to my loving Mother, Awumbam Mbilla, who motivated me to unleash my most significant potential and always saw the best in whatever I aspired to become.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThank you to my supervisors, Prof. Mabutho Sibanda and Dr Siphiwe Mqadi, for providing directions, instructions, feedback, and support throughout this thesis. A special thanks to the Dean of Regentropfen College of Applied Sciences, Mr Abiola Adeniyi, for all the needed consultations and support that he gave me throughout this period. I also want to thank the Administrator, Higher Degrees, School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Mrs Sesheni Naidoo, and the current Dean and Head of the School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Prof M. Sibanda, for providing that much-needed push in the right direction, guidance and a sounding board when required. Thank you to my siblings for putting up with me when I was at my "lows" with this thesis and were always there when I needed an escape.