Grande (UFCG) is carried out applying Structural Equation Modelling via R software. Results: The results confirmed the positive influence of training and top-management support on the perception of ease; of top-management support on the perception of usefulness; and the perception of usefulness on the perceived benefits of the Electronic Information System (EIS). Theoretical Contributions: This research advances in studies on information technology (IT) and its implication in Public Administration, and, as it has multidisciplinary academic support, presents contributions to practice and theory in a related way. A relevant theoretical contribution is that the results of measurements for perceived usefulness (PU) and benefits reinforce the need for a better understanding towards concepts and variables of both constructs. Such a situation open ups new opportunities for theory to understand such constructs in a mandatory context of IT. Practical contributions: For professionals, it provides subsidies for institutions adopting information systems to promote a more favorable environment for their acceptance. Once the relevance of training programs, coupled with the support of top management, has the potential to increase the perception of the quality of the system by users, and thus, greater assimilation of the benefits linked to this system, impacting its acceptance.