This article aims at studying the interaction between Covid-19 pandemic, political regimes and liberal democracies through diverse methods. Firstly, it conducts bibliometric analysis of works on the Covid-19 pandemic and political regimes indexed in Web of Science dataset between 2019 and 2021. The conceptual map on this research area demonstrates that democracy is the central and motor theme. Three conceptual sets comprising polarization, gender, and democratic deficit share similar levels of centrality or external links to other concepts, despite their differing levels of density or internal links. The Sankey diagram shows that authors from institutions based in the USA were influential in the making of this research area. Secondly, since democracy emerges as the motor theme in the bibliometric analysis, this article focuses on the interaction between the pandemic and democracy. It sheds light on the struggle against the pandemic in G7 countries, liberal democracies with high levels of economic development. Bayesian (prior) meta-analysis examines the association between the level of Covid-19 cases as well as deaths according to the World Health Organization and the aggregate level of political rights and civil liberties according to Freedom House Index. The association model resulting from meta-analysis indicates medium-level goodness of fit and high-level effect size, which leads to the prediction that this analysis could be a basis for further studies. Lastly, this article critically assesses G7 countries' democratic performance at the "pandemic exam" by evaluating the Pandemic Violations and Backsliding Indices of Varieties of Democracy Project. The USA is the only country with some, or considerable violations of democratic standards and high levels of pandemic backsliding compared to other G7 countries. In the light of these findings, it is suggested that research at the intersection of political regimes and the pandemic should be tracked and the conceptualization embedded in indices should be revised in accordance with changing conditions.