For a network of generic oscillators with nonlocal topology and symmetry-breaking coupling we establish novel partially coherent inhomogeneous spatial patterns, which combine the features of chimera states (coexisting incongruous coherent and incoherent domains) and oscillation death (oscillation suppression), which we call chimera death. We show that due to the interplay of nonlocality and breaking of rotational symmetry by the coupling two distinct scenarios from oscillatory behavior to a stationary state regime are possible: a transition from an amplitude chimera to chimera death via in-phase synchronized oscillations, and a direct abrupt transition for larger coupling strength. Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a complex dynamical system is a fundamental and universal phenomenon which occurs in diverse fields such as physics, chemistry, and biology [1]. It implies that processes occurring in nature favor a less symmetric configuration, although the underlying principles can be symmetric. This intriguing concept has recently gained renewed interest generated by the enormous burst of works on chimera states and on oscillation death, which have emerged independently. In this Letter we draw a relation between these two.Chimera states correspond to the situation when an ensemble of identical elements self-organizes into two coexisting and spatially separated domains with dramatically different behavior, i.e., spatially coherent and incoherent oscillations [2,3]. They have been the subject of intensive theoretical investigations, e.g. [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15]. Experimental evidence of chimeras has only recently been provided for optical [16], chemical [17], mechanical [18] and electronic [19] systems. These peculiar hybrid states may also account for the observation of partial synchrony in neural activity [20], like unihemispheric sleep, i.e., the ability of some birds or dolphins to sleep with one half of their brain while the other half remains aware [21,22]. Chimera states have been initially found for phase oscillators [2], and they typically occur in networks with nonlocal coupling. Recently, for globally coupled oscillators it has been shown that such spatio-temporal patterns can be also connected to the amplitude dynamics (amplitude-mediated chimeras) [23,24]. However, the global coupling topology does not provide a clear notion of space, which is crucial for chimera states. A further open question is whether chimeras can be extended to more general symmetry breaking states.Another fascinating effect which requires the break-up of the system's symmetry as a crucial ingredient is oscillation death which refers to stable inhomogeneous steady states (IHSS) which are created through the coupling of self-sustained oscillators. This regime occurs when a ho- * corresponding author: mogeneous steady state splits into at least two distinct branches -upper and lower -which represent a newly created IHSS [25][26][27][28]. For a network of coupled elements oscillation death ...