Although it is primarily a synthesis of a number of earlier results, 1 rather than a presentation of original work, it clearly and compellingly sets out a powerful general framework for describing and analyzing cosmological models. This is done in terms of splitting space-time into space + time by defining a projection tensor h ab , related to the space-time metric g ab and to its fluid 4-velocity u a and using it to define and project geometric and kinematic quantities into the three-dimensional rest-spaces it defines with respect to u a . The definition of the kinematical quantities themselves, the vorticity, shear, expansion and acceleration parameters, provides the basis for classifying important properties of cosmologies and for deriving the dynamical equations, like Raychaudhuri's equation, related to 1 These earlier results are primarily those of the Hamburg Group, particularly those of Ehlers and Trümper (see, for instance, the "golden oldie" of Ehlers [1], which is a translation of a much earlier paper [2], the 1967 paper of Trümper [3], and references therein) and of Hawking [4].The republication of the original paper can be found via