In this talk we discuss the analogy between data from heavy-ion collisions and the Cosmic Microwave Background. We identify p T correlations data as the heavy-ion analogy to the CMB and extract a power-spectrum from the heavy-ion data. We define the ratio of the final state power-spectrum to the initial coordinate-space eccentricity as the transfer-function. From the transfer-function we find that higher n terms are suppressed and we argue that the suppression provides information on length scales like the mean-free-path. We make a rough estimate of the mean-free-path and find that it is larger than estimates based on the centrality dependence of v 2 .Keywords: Quark-gluon plasma, correlations, fluctuations A commonly quoted goal of the heavy-ion programs at Brookhaven National Laboratory and CERN is to recreate conditions similar to those shortly after the Big Bang [1]. Learning about the early stages of the matter produced in heavy-ion collisions from the observation of hadrons in the final state is in some sense similar to understanding the stages of the early universe from the observation of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) [2]. In this talk we explore the analogy between heavy-ion collisions and Big Bang cosmology [3]. In particular, we present the heavyion equivalent of the CMB and from that we determine the power-spectrum for the little bangs. We then estimate the transfer-function necessary to produce the spectrum from the initial conditions of the collisions.Quantum fluctuations from the early universe show up as hotspots at the surface of last scattering, creating the CMB measured for example by WMAP. Measurements of the CMB reveal temperature fluctuations corresponding to over-or under-densities present at the surface of last scattering at about 400,000 years after the Big Bang [2]. These density fluctuations ultimately explain the structure in our universe. Maps of the temperature of the CMB are determined from measurements of the blackbody spectra at 2M points in the sky. The temperature is found to be very smooth with relative variations only showing up at approximately 10 −5 . The fluctuations tend to only be at short distances; small lumps not large ones. This result has been explained by an inflationary period when the larger scale fluctuations were pushed outside of the horizon, causally separating them.The scale of the correlations can be most easily studied by extracting a power-spectrum from the CMB. The power-spectrum shows that most power is for large wave-numbers (meaning small wavelength). The lack of power at small wave-number is strong evidence of inflation. Peaks in the power-spectrum are caused by acoustic phenomena in the early universe as density perturbations in the universe propagate as sound waves. This gives rise to the structure in the anisotropies of the microwave background, notably a characteristic angular scale and the famous acoustic peaks. From this spectrum the acoustic peaks are fit with models to extract cosmological parameters. In this talk we explore an...