Mixing angles are used to describe the $SU(6)\otimes O(3)$ symmetry breaking
in $\left[70,~1^-\right]$ multiplet in the sector of the lowest mass nucleon
resonances, which are investigated extensively in constituent quark models for
baryon spectroscopy. The transition amplitudes for the meson photoproduction
off nucleon can also be expressed in terms of the mixing angles to take into
account the configuration mixing. Those amplitudes are derived as a function of
the mixing angles between $|N^2P_M{J}^-\rangle$ and $|N^4P_M{J}^-\rangle$
states, with $J$=1/2 and 3/2, for the processes $\gamma p \to \eta p,~K^+
\Lambda,~K^+ \Sigma^\circ,~K^\circ \Sigma^+$. The present status of our
knowledge on the mixing angles between $S_{11}(1535)$ and $S_{11}(1650)$
($\theta _{S}$), as well as between $D_{13}(1520)$ and $D_{13} (1700)$ ($\theta
_{D}$) is reported. Since these resonances play very important role in the
threshold region for both $\eta$ and kaon production mechanisms, they are
expected to provide crucial tests of different quark models for the baryon