The initial nucleation of Fe onto the ͑2 ϫ 1͒ reconstructed Ge͑001͒ surface is studied. Uniformly sized two-dimensional Fe dots are shown to nucleate. They have an apparent corrugation height ϳ1.1 Å and lateral dimensions ϳ12ϫ 8 Å 2 . Further to their uniform size, due to their registry with respect to the substrate, they are shown to nucleate on a single equivalent surface site. It is suggested that their stability is due to either a "magic" number effect or adsorbate-substrate interactions. Tunneling I͑V͒ spectra show the dot/Ge͑001͒ contact to exhibit marked current rectifying behavior, which is extremely well confined to the contact area. © 2006 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.2201861͔ Fabrication of ordered, size selected, nanoscale wires and dots is an area of great interest. Due to their low dimensionality, they can exhibit quantum effects and may find use in future electronic and high density storage devices. Many methods have been put forward for the growth of such structures including pulsing scanning tunneling microscopy ͑STM͒ probes, 1 deposition of preformed clusters from the liquid or gas phase, 2 and thermal evaporation onto nanopatterned substrates, e.g., surfaces with strain relief patterns. 3,4 Substrates with well defined surface reconstructions have also been studied, such as the deposition of alkali metals onto the ͑7 ϫ 7͒ reconstructed Si͑111͒ surface, to form socalled ͑2D͒ "magic" dots. 5,6 Dot arrays of magnetic materials are of added interest, offering the possibility of extremely high density magnetic data storage. [7][8][9][10] In this letter we present the growth of ordered, uniformly sized, 2D Fe dots on the ͑2 ϫ 1͒ reconstructed Ge͑001͒ surface and demonstrate current rectifying properties of the contact, using scanning tunneling spectroscopy ͑STS͒. Experiments were performed in a UHV system with a base pressure of 1 ϫ 10 −10 Torr. Samples were cut from a 2 in., Sb-doped ͑0.05 ⍀ cm͒, Ge wafer. Fe was evaporated from an ultrapure rod, using an e-beam evaporator. Depositions were performed at room temperature. Nominal film thickness was measured using a quartz crystal balance. Auger electron spectroscopy ͑AES͒ was employed routinely to ensure surface cleanliness. STM was performed, at room temperature, using a home built instrument with an Omicron SCALA controller.Ge͑001͒ samples were outgassed at 800 K for 24 h in UHV. The surface was then subjected to repeated cycles of Ar + ion etching and UHV annealing, at temperatures in the 850-950 K range. 11,12 AES shows a contaminant-free surface and the well known ͑2 ϫ 1͒ low energy electron diffraction ͑LEED͒ mesh is observed ͓Fig. 1͑a͔͒. STM images large terraces with Ge dimer rows oriented along the ͓110͔ direction, in agreement with earlier studies. 11,12 The dimer row direction rotates by 90°from one terrace to the next. The dimer formation results in the ͑2 ϫ 1͒ reconstruction, with a 4 Å periodicity along the dimer rows and an 8 Å periodicity across, as shown schematically in Fig. 1͑b͒. At room temperature the Ge dime...