Matrix stiffness strongly influences growth, differentiation and function of adherent cells [1][2][3] . On the macro scale the stiffness of tissues and organs within the human body span several orders of magnitude 4 . Much less is known about how stiffness varies spatially within tissues, and what the scope and spatial scale of stiffness changes are in disease processes that result in tissue remodeling. To better understand how changes in matrix stiffness contribute to cellular physiology in health and disease, measurements of tissue stiffness obtained at a spatial scale relevant to resident cells are needed. This is particularly true for the lung, a highly compliant and elastic tissue in which matrix remodeling is a prominent feature in diseases such as asthma, emphysema, hypertension and fibrosis. To characterize the local mechanical environment of lung parenchyma at a spatial scale relevant to resident cells, we have developed methods to directly measure the local elastic properties of fresh murine lung tissue using atomic force microscopy (AFM) microindentation. With appropriate choice of AFM indentor, cantilever, and indentation depth, these methods allow measurements of local tissue shear modulus in parallel with phase contrast and fluorescence imaging of the region of interest. Systematic sampling of tissue strips provides maps of tissue mechanical properties that reveal local spatial variations in shear modulus. Correlations between mechanical properties and underlying anatomical and pathological features illustrate how stiffness varies with matrix deposition in fibrosis. These methods can be extended to other soft tissues and disease processes to reveal how local tissue mechanical properties vary across space and disease progression.
Video LinkThe video component of this article can be found at Protocol 1. Lung Tissue Strip Preparation 1. Lung tissue is highly compliant and difficult to cut into strips for AFM characterization. To transiently stabilize the lung structure for cutting, inflate isolated mouse lungs intratracheally with 50 ml/kg body weight of 2% low gel point agarose (prepared in PBS) warmed to 37°C. Tie off the trachea and cool the inflated lungs in a bath of PBS at 4°C for 60 minutes. The agarose will gel and stiffen in the airspaces to gently stabilize the lung structure during this interval 5 . Higher agarose concentrations, i.e. 3-4%, may be used to further enhance tissue stabilization for cutting. 2. Cut the agarose-stabilized mouse lung tissue with a razor or scalpel blade into strips of 5 x 5 mm in length and width and 400 μm in thickness, then wash the strips in a PBS bath pre-warmed to 37°C using a 100 ml glass beaker on a bench-top heated stir plate for 5 minutes to remove residual agarose. To exclude large airways and vessels, cut strips from subpleural regions distant from main stem bronchi. If airways and large vessels are to be imaged, cut strips from lung tissue more proximal to main stem bronchi.
AFM Microindentation and Fluorescenc...