Introduction: There are so many complications involving eyes, kidneys, lungs and nerves associated with diabetes. But, pulmonary complications are poorly characterized among eastern Indian diabetic populations.
Aims and Objectives:To assess pulmonary function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. To find out correlation of the pulmonary functions test variables with Glycemic control.
Materials and Methods:Total of 60 type 2 diabetes patient of age between 35-55 y and same number of age and sex matched apparently healthy control individual were included in the present study. All subjects were evaluated for PFT by flow sensitive spirometer (RMS HELIOS-401), the spirometric parameters were measured as a percentage of predicted and DLCO (by single breath technique). HBA1c of all cases were measured and they were grouped according to HBA1c level (Group-a =>7%, Group-b =6%-7%, Group-c =<6%).Results: Significant differences in the spirometric parameters (FVC, FEV1/FVC) and diffusion capacity (DLCO% and DL/VA%) existed between cases and controls. There was a significant decrease in FVC, DLCO and DL/VA and significant increase in FEV1/FVC in that groups having HBA1c level >7% than the other groups. FEV1, FVC, DLCO, and DL/VA were negatively correlated with HbA1c where as FEV1/FVC has positive association with HbA1c.
Conclusion:Significant deterioration of lung function and diffusing capacity was observed in type 2 diabetes patients with poor glycemic control.India [6][7][8][9]. The wide range of geographical and climatic conditions in a large country such as India may be associated with regional differences in lung function. Pulmonary complications are poorly characterized among eastern Indian diabetic populations. On this background this study was conducted on eastern India population for assessment of lung function in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
AIMS AND OBjeCTIveS1. To assess pulmonary function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.2. To find out correlation of the pulmonary functions test variables with Glycemic control.
MATeRIAlS AND MeThODSEighty type 2 DM cases were randomly selected from patients attending Diabetic Following patients were excluded from the study: Smokers; history of respiratory diseases such as asthma, COPD, tuberculosis,