S_ury 1The aims of the trial were to estabish the response rate and determine the toxxity of combination chemotherapy with ifospamide, vincristine and spatin (HOP regimn) in advanced metastatic seminoma and to study the role of post-chemotherapy consdation treatment Patients with bulky metasatic non-sfetoprotein-producing seminos were eligible for this phase II study [serum human chorionic gonadotropin<20OUI1' (<40ng1-')] if they pested with abdomial masses > 10cm or had extra-gonadal seminoma or had relapsed after previous radiotherapy. The HOP regimen consisted of four 3-weekly cycles of the following drug combination ifosphamide (days 1-5, 1 2mg m2 day-'), vincristin (day 1, 2mg) and cisplatin (days 1-5, 20mgm-2 day-'). Residual masses persisting 6 months after chemotherapy could be considered for consolidation surgery or radiotherapy.