NICOLAYSEN, G . Pulmonary transcapillary exchange of P4Na and S I C r E D T A . A n evaluation of factors influencing the extraction of these tracers during onepassage through an isolated lung preparation. Acta physiol. scand. 1971. 82. 3 9 3 4 0 5 , Experiments with the single injection indicator diffusion method have been carried out in an isolated, ventilated and plasma-perfused rabbit lung preparation. A mixture of two diffusible tracers (24Na, W r E D T A ) and one intravascular reference tracer ( 12jI-albumin) were used. Relative concentrations in the first indicator-containing venous outflow fractions collected indicated that there had been some initial extraction of the diffusible indicators. A small extravascular space of distribution appeared to represent the most important determinator for the extent of this initial extraction during one single passage through the vascular bed. Results from several types of experiments were consistent with there being also some moderate degree of diffusion limitation for the extraction of the diffusible tracers. Extraction of the diffusible tracers appeared to be moderately increased when the intravascular concentrations of both Ca++ and Mg++ were reduced to such low levels that edema was developing in the preparation. I t appears unlikely though that the single injection indicator diffusion method in its present form can yield more detailed information on capillary permeability to small solutes in this rabbit lung preparation.