SUMMARY We studied the effect of 10 cm H 2 O of continuous positive airway pressure breathing (CPAPB) on steady state lung fluid balance. In 9 of 20 chronically instrumented, unanesthetized sheep, we measured lung lymph flow, pulmonary vascular pressure, cardiac output, pleura! pressure, and lymph and plasma protein concentration during a 2-hour baseline period and 3-4 hours of CPAPB. In eight sheep, we measured the same variables after increasing average left atrial pressure by 18 cm H,O to cause mild interstitial edema. At the end of the final experiment, we anesthetized the sheep, removed the lungs, and measured their water content. During CPAPB, pleural and left atrial pressures increased by 5 cm H,O, whereas puhnonary artery pressure increased by 7-10 cm H 2 O. Lung lymph flow as well as lymph and plasma protein concentrations did not change significantly. In six sheep, postmortem lung water content was increased above that predicted but was within the predicted range for the group as a whole. We conclude that moderate CPAPB does not measurably affect the steady state lung fluid balance. More important, however, the rise in puhnonary vascular pressure must have been balanced by a rise in perimicrovascular interstitial fluid pressure since filtration did not change. It appears that the fraction of increased alveolar pressure transmitted to the microvessels was via the perimicrovascular fluid rather than through solid tissue contact.THE IMPROVED arterial blood oxygenation obtained by increasing airway pressure in patients or experimental animals with pulmonary edema is attributed to two mechanisms. The first, and well established one, is by reinflation of collapsed or fluid-filled alveoli. found that positive pressure ventilation markedly increased right lymph duct flow, at least transiently, in anesthetized dogs with acute pulmonary edema. Several other workers, however, found that positive pressure breathing does not reduce lung water content or the rate of fluid accumulation under edemogenic conditions."*" 16 Bo and associates 17 have demonstrated that, at constant vascular pressures, in isolated, perfused rabbit lungs increased alveolar pressure and lung volume sometimes increase fluid filtration. They have analyzed the separate effects of the increased alveolar pressure and the increased lung volume.The importance of having unequivocal data on the effects of positive alveolar pressure in lung fluid balance is important, not only for establishing the rationale for this clinical maneuver, but also because it may aid in establishing the role of interstitial hydrostatic forces which are not directly accessible for measurement. -Kcr(nmv -ripmv), where K is the endothelial fluid conductance, a is the protein reflection coefficient, P is the hydrostatic pressure, and FI is the protein osmotic pressure in the microvascular (mv) and perimicrovascular (pmv) fluids, respectively.We used unanesthetized sheep with chronic lung lymph fistulas 22 to determine the effect of continuous positive pressure airway breathing ...