Goldberg 1' ' , ^4assoneJE, Spielberg C. l'.fleet of irrigation solutions on the filling of lateral root canals. Endod Dent Traumatof 1986; 2: 65 66.Abstract -An in vt'lro study invoh-ing 66 single rooted human teeth was perfbrmed. The teeth were divided into 3 groups: eontrof group, root eanals instrumented and irrigated with distilled water; expcrimenlal group A, root canals instrtimented and irrigated with 15"/,, EDTA; and experimental grou]5 B, root canals instrumented atid irrigated with 5",, soditnn hypochlorite. All canals were fifled with laterally condensed gutta-percha and Diaket"" A. Radiographs were taken mesiodistally and buccolingtially and the number of lateral eanals filled in the various teeth was counted. Ilie group treated with 15"o EDTA sliowed a signifieantfy farger mimber of filled lateral canals than the groups irrigated with distilled water or soditnn ln|)()( hlorite.