In the present study, the pulsatile serum profiles of prolactin, LH and testosterone were investigated in eight clinically healthy fertile male beagles of one to six years of age. Serum hormone concentrations were determined in blood samples collected at 15 min intervals over a period of 6 h before (control) and six days before the end of a four weeks treatment with the dopamine agonist cabergoline (5 mg kg À1 bodyweight/day). In addition, the effect of cabergoline administration was investigated on thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)-induced changes in the serum concentrations of these hormones.In all eight dogs, the serum prolactin concentrations (mean 3.0 AE 0.3 ng ml À1 ) were on a relatively constant level not showing any pulsatility, while the secretion patterns of LH and testosterone were characterised by several hormone pulses. Cabergoline administration caused a minor but significant reduction of the mean prolactin concentration (2.9 AE 0.2 ng ml À1 , p < 0.05) and did not affect the secretion of LH (mean 4.6 AE 1.3 ng ml À1 versus 4.4 AE 1.7 ng ml À1 ) or testosterone (2.5 AE 0.9 ng ml À1 versus 2.4 AE 1.2 ng ml À1 ). Under control conditions, a significant prolactin release was induced by intravenous TRH administration (before TRH: 3.8 AE 0.9 ng ml À1 ,