Siddha is a natural treatment and the oldest medical system of healing in the world. Nadi which is a pulsebased diagnosis method which is the skill of feeling the pulse, and is known to dictate all the salient features of a human body. In this paper, we provide a complete spectrum of details of our procedure for obtaining three different pulses based on time series. This system contains contains a strain gauge equipped with a diaphragm element , a transmitter and also an amplifier, a digitizer which quantifies the analog signals. The system is designed with 16-bit accuracy in such a way that it provides no interference noise and no external electronics. Compared with the prior systems like ECG, the system provides a detailed classification of the nadi pulses which produces the waveforms with respect to abnormalities.The varying pressure given to the pulse analyzer classifies vadha, pitha, and kapha based on the abnormalities captured from a single artery . The obtained output from this module is been fed to the knowledge management system that identifies the diseases based on body type. The designed system is being evaluated by siddha practitioners as a computeraided diagnostic tool
General TermsDiaphragm, Digitizer , Pulse analyzer,
KeywordsSiddha, pulse analyzer, varying pressure.