There are several petawatt-scale laser facilities around the world and the fidelity of the pulses to target is critical in achieving the highest focused intensities and the highest possible contrast. The United Kingdom has three such laser facilities which are currently open for access to the academic community: Orion at AWE, Aldermaston and Vulcan & Astra-Gemini at the Central Laser Facility (CLF), STFC (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL). These facilities represent the two main classes of petawatt facilities: the mixed OPCPA/Nd:glass high-energy systems of Orion and Vulcan and the ultra-short-pulse Ti:Sapphire system of AstraGemini. Many of the techniques used to enhance and control the pulse generation and delivery to target have been pioneered on these facilities. In this paper, we present the system designs which make this possible and discuss the contrast enhancement schemes that have been implemented.Keywords: petawatt laser; contrast; wavefront correction; plasma mirror
Systems descriptionThe facilities highlighted within this paper are operated at AWE, Aldermaston, UK and the Central Laser Facility (CLF), STFC (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), UK and have the following system parameters:• Orion is the latest facility to be built in the UK and became operational in April 2013 [1] . It is a Nd:glass laser system which combines 10 long-pulse beamlines (500 J, 1 ns @ 351 nm) with two synchronized infrared petawatt beams (500 J in 500 fs). Up to 15% of the Orion beam time is available to the UK academic community.• HELEN is the Orion predecessor and was operational at AWE for nearly 30 years [2] . It had two 527 nm, 500 J long-pulse (nanosecond) beamlines capability with a synchronized 100 TW short-pulse beam. It closed down in April 2009 to allow resources to be switched to the Orion facility during its commissioning.Correspondence to: Colin Danson, AWE, Aldermaston, Reading, RG7 4PR, UK. Email:• Vulcan is a high-power Nd:glass academic user facility [3] which has been operational for over 30 years. It enables a broad range of experiments through a flexible geometry [4,5] . It has two target areas: one with 6 × 300 J (1053 nm @1 ns) long pulses combined with two synchronized short-pulse beams and a separate target area with high-energy petawatt capability (500 J in 500 fs) synchronized with a single long-pulse beamline.• Astra-Gemini is a Ti:Sapphire laser system [6] operating at 800 nm pumped by green pulsed lasers in multi-stage amplifiers. It is operated as an academic user facility. It has two ultra-high-power beamlines delivering 15 J in 30 fs pulses @800 nm, generating focused intensities >10 21 W cm −2 to target.2. Petawatt generation delivering focused intensities of 10 21 W cm −2Short-pulse capabilities on all these systems are based on the technique of chirped pulse amplification (CPA) [7] , where an ultra-short pulse is stretched, amplified and then recompressed to overcome...