Despite the fact that chemists are trained to v iew m ost spectroscopic data in the frequency domain, there are some instances w here tim e-do m ain information provides greater insight. Any signal reported in the frequency domain can also be expressed in the time domain through the Fourier relationships, and we use this correspondence to advantage in Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR ) and FT-NM R (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopies. Despite the Fourier relationships, for many real-world studies of molecular properties, any given spectroscopic band under investigation will be inhomogeneously broadened, m aking the connection between the time-domain response and the frequency-domain spectrum less clear than we would like it to be. In these cases, it is often necessar y to perform experimental m easurem ents in both domains to obtain a com plete understanding of the system.The focus of this article is on the strengths, limitations, and uses of time-domain and short-pulse laser spectroscopies. The capabilities of time-resolved m easurements are, of course, complementary to frequency-domain techniques, and this fact becomes clear when spectroscopies in the two domains are compared.Strengths of time-resolved and short pulse spectroscopies:1. Separation of spectroscopic phenomena (e.g., Raman and uorescence). 2. U ltrahigh sensitivity absorption m easurements. 3. Access to nonlinear spectroscopies. 4. Ability to study dynamical processes directly (e.g ., ro tatio nal diffusion, uorescence and vibrational lifetime, excitation transport). 5. M easu rem en t of ph oto ind uced transient species present at very low steady-state concentrations.Weaknesses of time-resolved and short-pulse spectroscopies:1. Identi cation of an unknown in the absence of other information. 2. Ability to provide unique ''survey'' or '' ngerprint'' information on a sample. 3. Establishment of the relationship between the experimental signal and structural information on a m olecule. 4. Ability to provide absolute, quantitative information on quantities such as concentration.The items indicated in the ''weaknesses'' list are all better suited to fre quency-dom ain spectroscopies. For example, from the acquisition of a UV-visible absorption spectrum, inform ation can (som etim es) b e gained on the identity of the chromophore, and, if the chromophore is known, it is a simple matter to quantitate its presence via Beer's law. For these reasons as well as convenience of use, frequency-domain spectroscopy is ubiquitous, and essentially all spectroscopic information presented in high school and collegiate science texts is shown in the frequency domain. The bias toward presenting inform ation in the frequency domain may be related to our ability to process spectroscopic information. Our eyes are well suited to operation in the frequency domain-a practiced eye can distinguish between laser beams with a 1 nm wavelength difference. Human detection gear for optical frequencies is less well suited to resolution of