The α-particle energy spectra have been measured in coincidence with fission fragments over a wide range of relative angles with respect to fragment emission direction in the 11 B (62 MeV) + 232 Th reaction. The α-particle multiplicity spectra have been fitted with moving source model to extract the prescission (α pre ) and near-scission (α nse ) components. The present results, along with available data from the literature over a wide range of Z 2 /A and the excitation energy of a compound system, have been analyzed to develop certain global features of the pre-and near-scission emission characteristics. It is seen that α pre values when normalized to E 2.3 CN (E CN is the compound nucleus excitation energy) show a systematic linearly increasing trend with the α-particle emission Q value (Q α ). The fraction of near-scission multiplicity is observed to be nearly the same at around 10% of the total prescission multiplicity for all the systems.