. Can. J. Chem. 61, 189 (1983) The yield and reaction kinetics of trapped electrons, e, and e,,, in several ethylene glycol/DZO glasses have been studied from 6-72 K by pulse radiolysis. An increased DZO concentration is believed to increase the concentration of IR-traps thereby leading to a greater G(e,) and to decrease the concentration of VIS-traps thereby increasing the stability of e,. The yield and stability of e, are also increased by lowering the temperature. A redetermination of ~(e.;) (1.3 x lo4 M cm-' at 1800 nm) confirms earlier values. ZHENNAN WU, NORMAN V. KLASSEN. HUGH A. GILLIS et GEORGE G. TEATHER. Can. J. Chem. 61, 189 (1983).--Le rendement et les cinCtiques des Clectrons piegCs, ci, ct eVi,, dans quelques verrcs de glycol d'tthyl&ne/DZO ont Ct C CtudiCs de 6-72 K par radiolyse pulsCe. Une augmentation en concentration de D'O augmente la concentration des pikges-IR, qui entraine une valeur plus elevCe pour G(e,i), et baisse la concentration des pikges-VIS augmentant la stabilitC de e,. Le rendement et la stabilitC de e, sont aussi augmente par une baisse de tempkrature. Une redktermination de ~( e , ) (1.3 X 10" M-' cm-' a 1800 nm) confirme la valeur prCcCdente.
IntroductionAqueous ethylene glycol glass has proven to be a useful matrix in which to study the behaviour of infrared-absorbing trapped electrons, e, , and visible-absorbing trapped electrons, e,, (1 -7). The pulse radiolysis of pure ethylene glycol (EG) glass, even at 6 K , shows no evidence of e, whereas both e, and e,, are produced in 50/50 (vol/vol) EG/D20 and EG/H20 glasses (3,4). Thus the presence of water permits the production of e i .In publications from this laboratory, pulse radiolysis experiments have been interpreted as indicating that e, and e,, are electrons trapped in two distinctly different molecular environments both in certain aqueous glasses (1 -4, 8, 9) and in crystalline ice (10, 1 l), although the conversion of e.; into e,, is readily observable in some aqueous glasses (1, 8, 12) including aqueous EG glasses (I). Dolivo and Kevan (13), on the other hand, have argued that the essential difference between the two types of electron is that e. : has a first solvation shell of water molecules which are not at equilibrium, whereas the water molecules immediately adjacent to e,, are at equilibrium. The present results continue to favour two distinctly different molecular environments for e, and e,,.In this study, the pulse radiolysis of EG/D20 glasses of varied composition provides new insight into the production and decay of e, and e,, and the interdependence of the two species. A redetermination of ~( e , ) was made to insure the reliability of the calculated values of G(e,) and G(e,,).