. Can. J. Chem. 55.2030Chem. 55. (1977. The radical anion C 6 H 5 N 0 2 -, NB-, which has a strong absorption spectrum from 250-500 nm, is formed by reaction of nitrobenzene with solvated electrons, e,-, and hydroxymethyl radical anions, ' C H 2 0 -, with kl = (1.92 t 0.35) x 10" M -' s-' and k, = (1.03 k 0.02)GE~. is constant for NB-over a wide range of nitrobenzene concentrations in basic solution. By assuming that the yields of scavengeable radicals are the same in neutral and basic solutions we obtain E ( N B -) ,~~, , = (1.66 & 0.02) x lo4 IM-' cm-'. This value is used to evaluate the yield of e,-scavengeable by dilute solutions of solutes as G(e,-),,, = 1.20 1 0.03. Extinction coefficients of es-, hydroxymethyl radicals, 'CH20H, and 'CH,O-and the oscillator strength of the e,-absorption are calculated.The yields of e,-determined by previous workers are discussed in terms of dry, damp, geminate, free, spur, and escaped electrons. A model is constr~~cted in terms of damp, spur, and escaped electrons which compares favourably with experimental scavenging results and direct measurements by optical pulse radiolysis. La valeur de GEI. est constante pour NB' des concentrations de nitrobenzkne trPs diverses lorsque I'on travaille en solution basique. En faisant I'hypothese que les rendements des radicaux qui peuvent Ctre pieges sont les m&mes en solutions neutres et basiques, on obtient la valeur E(NB-),,~ . , = (1.66 i 0.02) x lo4 M -' cm-'. On peut utiliser cette valeur pour evaluer le rendement en e,-piegeable pour des solutions dilutes de solutCs; alors G(e,-),,, =