The kinetics and mechanism of the cobalt anodic ionization markedly depend on the conditions of the anodic process, namely, the pH, composition and temperature, of the electrolyte and the material and surface state of the electrode. Therefore, numerous mechanisms are discussed in the literature concerning the cobalt anodic ionization, which satisfactorily explain the anodic behavior under particular experimental conditions [1][2][3].Most often stage mechanisms of the cobalt anodic ionization with a subsequent splitting-off of two electrons are encountered. They are more probable than a one-stage mechanism with the transfer of two electrons in one elementary ionization act at the electrode/electrolyte interface. Indeed, the energy of splitting-off the first electron from a cobalt atom (the ionization potential) is less than one half of that for the second electron ( I 1 = 7.866 eV, I 2 = 17.057 eV) [4]. According to the stage mechanisms, the first ionization stage yields cobalt ions with intermediate oxidation state (1+), which were detected in the studies on the pulse radiolysis of cobalt salt solutions [5,6]. Hydrated electrons formed during the pulse radiolysis of the cobalt (II) salt aqueous solutions are strongly reducing agents [ E 0 (1/2H 2 / ) = -2.9 V (NHE)] and they react with Co 2+ ions [7]. The reaction yields Co + ions that were shown by rapidly recording the optical spectra. The corresponding absorption maxima are observed at the wavelengths of 315 ± 5 and 370 ± 5 nm [5,6]. The Co + ions are very active chemical agents with a short lifetime in aqueous solutions.A thermodynamic estimate of the standard redox potential is E 0 (ëÓ 2+ /ëÓ + ) = -3.1 V (NHE) [8]. However, this value contradicts the experimental data [7] showe aq -ing that the Co 2+ ions are reduced by hydrated electrons with a high rate constant. The experimental estimate of the E 0 (ëÓ 2+ /ëÓ + ) potential also yielded more positive value. For example, the electrochemical behavior of the one-valent cobalt ions at mercury electrode was studied [9] using laser photoelectron emission from the metal. Thus determined rate constant for the reduction of twovalent to one-valent cobalt ions was compared to the rate constant for the reverse reaction, which resulted in a redox potential of the Co 2+ /Co + couple equal to − 0.94 ± 0.05 V (NHE).Monograph [10] compares standard redox potentials E 0 (å z + /Me + ) and E 0 (å + /å 0 ) of a set of metals of the Ib, IIb, IIIb, IVb, and Vb subgroups of the Mendeleev Periodic System (Au, Cu, Hg, Mg, In, Zn, Al, Sn, Bi, etc.) to their standard redox potentials E 0 (å z + /å 0 ) . Here M + denotes the ions in an intermediate oxidation state. It is shown the E 0 (å z + /Me + ) potentials are somewhat more negative, while E 0 (å + /å 0 ) ones, somewhat more positive than the E 0 (å z + /å 0 ) potentials, yet the difference between E 0 (å z + /å + ) [or E 0 (å + /å 0 ) ] and E 0 (å z + /å 0 ) does not exceed 0.20 to 0.25 V; that between E 0 (å z + /Me + ) and E 0 (å + /å 0 ) , 0.5 V. However...