Abstract. The effects of size and origin of natural dissolved organic matter compounds (DOM) on the redox cycling of iron were investigated in water samples from a marine system (Strait of Gibraltar), from a freshwater system (Lake of Murten, i.e., Murtensee, Switzerland), and from a "river-to-ocean" system (Rivers Scheldt and Rhine and corresponding estuaries). In the irradiated seawater samples, Fe(II) steady-state concentrations ([Fe(II)] ss ), both as percentage of total dissolved iron and normalized to 1 mg C L -1 , were higher in the low-molecular-weight (LMW) than in the high-molecular-weight (HMW) DOM fractions, despite higher net rates of H 2 O 2 formation in the HMW DOM fractions. Also in the samples from Murtensee, [Fe(II)] ss , both as percentage of total dissolved iron and normalized to the decadic absorption coefficient at 350 nm (a 350 , unit m -1 ), were higher in the LMW than in the HMW DOM fractions. Unlike in the seawater samAquatic Sciences ples, however, net rates of H 2 O 2 production, normalized to a 350 , were higher in the LMW DOM fractions, as compared to the HMW DOM fractions, indicating a higher efficiency of O 2• -formation with these LMW compounds from Murtensee. Based on the simulation of experimental data with mathematical kinetic modeling, we hypothesize that Fe(II) is formed through photolysis of Fe(III) complexes in the LMW DOM fractions from the Strait of Gibraltar and from Murtensee and that Fe(II) is stabilized by a ligand in the water samples from Murtensee. In the irradiated HMW DOM fractions from the "river-toocean" system, [Fe(II)] ss , normalized to a 350 , were generally higher in the water samples from the Rivers Scheldt and Rhine than in the water samples from their estuaries, suggesting that terrestrially derived DOM has a higher photochemical reactivity towards Fe(II) formation than autochthonous DOM.