A fluorescent image analysis procedure to determine the distribution of species concentration and density in a gas flow is proposed. The fluorescent emission is due to the excitation of atoms/molecules of a gas that is intercepted by an electron blade. The intensity of the fluorescent light is proportional to the local number density of the gas. When the gas flow is a mixture of different species, this proportionality can be exploited to extract the contribution associated to the species from the spectral superposition acquired by a digital camera. This yields a method that simultaneously reveals species concentrations and mass density of the mixture. The procedure is applied to two under-expanded sonic jets discharged into a different gas ambient -Helium into Argon and Argon into Helium -to measure the concentration and density distribution along the jet axis and across it. A comparison with experimental and numerical results obtained by other authors when observing under-expanded jets at different Mach numbers is made with the density distribution along the axis of the jet. This density distribution appears to be self-similar.